Christian Growth In A Superficial World

Beautiful city lights
Photo by Peng LIU on

Christian growth in a superficial world is possible. Jesus Christ had lived a n exemplary life for us to follow. He was tempted and he overcame trials and grant us the power over devils. If this wasn’t possible Jesus would not have prayed to the father to keep the disciples in the world. It is important to remember who we were before salvation and what we were saved from. Having a clear understanding of who we are called to be in Christ is very important. We must value this precious salvation and do our best to protect it by fighting the good fight of faith.


We must discipline ourselves to live the Christ like life. If it becomes difficult we must depend on Jesus Christ who have successfully created this path for us to follow. The disciples had disciplined themselves. They separated themselves so they could walk with Jesus. They were able carry out the work of the ministry after Jesus leave earth. To be discipline calls of determination. Exercising determination like the disciples of old will help us to rise up and do exploits to glorify the name of Jesus Christ.


Walking In The Spirit

We have to understand how the spirit and the flesh fight against each other. We can only please God when we are walking in the spirit.

When Jesus was on earth He took time out and went apart from the disciples and the people to go and pray to His father. We have to desire and make it a habit of experiencing Jesus in the secret place. For this to happen we must live a prayerful life and soak ourselves in the word of God.

Woman smiling and look up

To live a meaningful joyful life, we must apply faith to the written word and whatever instructions the Holy Spirit gives us. We have to make up in our mind to please God. We must be vigilant so that any voice speaking contrary to God’s word we will be able to do as the Bible says ‘resist the devil and he will flee’.

It is wise to understand that the kingdom of this world is set up to seduce us into a destructive path, therefore so we can’t afford to gravitate to everything that appear before us. The Bible say we must try the spirit.

Fight The Good Fight

The longer we stay the course in righteousness and fight the good fight of faith the easier it gets. This helps us because we would have gone through some experiences and prove God work in our lives.

Philosophy, science and many other man made ideologies have been proven futile by the truth in God’s word. Many laws have changed but the Word of God abideth forever. The Word of God will nourish us and enable us to grow spiritually in this superficial world. The word is a chief weapon in this fight

God’s Promises

The promises of God are better than what this world presents to us. The things of this world are temporal. The future that Jesus has gone to prepare for us will give us eternal joy, peace and prosperity. Knowing these promises should enable us to prove the possibility of the christian growth in a superficial world. There is no language on earth that can be qualified enough to describe all the glorious things that are prepared for us in heaven.

Above all, The True And Living God is able keep us spotless and make all that the world say is impossible for man to do becomes possible. True soul renewed, born again Christians are wisdom oriented, prosperity driven, earthly good, heaven bound, positive generation changers in this superficial world.

We know we have been given supernatural power from Jesus Christ to counteract the superficial occurrences that shapes mediocre living. Let us arise and shine for Jesus Christ


15 thoughts on “Christian Growth In A Superficial World”

    • This is so true we must be His. All the good things we want to achieve are in His kingdom. His promises are true. We must allow Christ to take full control of every area of our lives.

  1. Life has it’s difficult moments but with Christ in our vessel we can smile at the stormy moments and remember that these things are a part of the journey He said He will never leave us without the comforter and I am happy that He watches over His word because He cannot lie His words are yeah and Amen thank you Lord

  2. Hi Maurice. God is definitely able to keep us in the wicked world. He prayed for us while on earth and that prayer is still alive and working even today. We just have to keep trusting in Him. Excellent post.

  3. Loud it bro!. We have been giving all the resources and help to aid us to live for Him despite the norms in the world. Love the endnote you mentioned, for us to arise and shine. Glory to God. 🙌


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